UK Paleos Social Media bullying and lies
Darren Naish trapped in amber
Darren Naish, John Hutchinson and Mark Witton instigate trifecta twitter attack on Harvard Scientist
Although many of the characters involved in the attack on
the pterosaur in amber we would like to make it clear that most of the damage
done does in fact seem to be attibuted to a quack scientist named John R Hutchinson
who released a savage attack accusing our archive and museum pieces as being fake
or illegal
or underground and any number of psychoitic attacks he felt he could unleash
without having any real education on the subject.
Thankfully we only suffered financial damages as a result of the human resources
manager at the Royal Veterinary College failing to make efforts to monitor the
social media accounts of their staff. This laxidasical nature has meant a very nasty
fiasco that caused serious mental damage to a American scientist who was caught up in
this affair and this shows how clearly evil Hutchinson's premeditated attack on our
archive material is or the archive material of any diligent collector for that matter.
Now that Hutchinson is starting to realise that the ambers he said were fake are in fact
real, very very real he is in a frantic frenzy trying to delete all the lies that he
has tweeted
Universities like Southampton are third class establishments for poor foreigners as a business and it has no real academic merits in our opinion.
Click here if you would like to see evidence of malicious attacks launched by John R Hutchinson of the Royal Veterinary College via social media platforms attempting to discredit the authencity of these finds.JohnRHutchinson may have metally damaged and intimidated at least one American scientist but we are not going to allow the creators of fake pterosaur propaganda like Hutchinson to further intimidate, slander or defame our archive and in addition to this we are documenting evidences of his delibrate attempts where he is investing his time on photoshop and social media to launch a tirade of lies and vitriol.
Hutchinson has badly disturbed Meehan's mind and he is clearly very dangerous, it is not suitable for this man to be near even grown up children and parents who have children studying at RVC should warn their loved ones to stay far away from the highy abusive Hutchinson who is known to lurk around the Royal Veterinary College. RVC staff are now under close watch and investigation since their dark web abusive activities of Hutchinson have been fully exposed.
Please also note that team members of this attack are also guilty of inventing a non existent pterosaur from Hornsby Island managing to dupe and fool National Geographic and Scientific American into total shame by publishing peer reviewed fake fossils of a pterosaur that never existed.
Naish also claims without evidence that our pterosaurs are fake proving he is a very amateur scientist, his vitriol includes allusions to having a supposedly real pterosaur in amber but to date has failed to produce anything.
Below are screenshots and some transcripts that show you what some paleontologists really do and it is not studying fossils but launching very childish tweets full of lies, we would have liked to have ignored them but their relentless destructive tweets and paleo blogs have caused such a commotion we would like to state that Darren can neither prove he has a pterosaur in amber nor disprove that many others also have specimens, some are even on public display.
21 Jun 2018
#tetzoopodcats i think this is the first time @TetZoo has dropped the f-bomb on the podcast? 😂Also, I lmao’ed at the whole selfie-taking bit. @thejohnconway also what do you think of the new cartoony style paleo art?? More thoughts as I keep listening...
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Darren Naish
21 Jun 2018
F-bomb? Did I? Normally John edits them out. #Tetrapodcats
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21 Jun 2018
Unless I misheard it, you expressed how strongly you believed it was easy to do Lego as long as you followed the directions 😂 NBD, just made me laugh bc normally you go to such lengths not to swear (which I now realize is expert editing)
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21 Jun 2018
Also, way to make me almost completely lose my shit at the #pterosaurs in #amber bit!! Holy crap. And do you actually know of one specimen?? Bc it sounded like you were hinting you did. #Tetrapodcats
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Robert Gay
21 Jun 2018
This has been floating around on the web for a bit. …
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Darren Naish
21 Jun 2018
Yeah - after numerous interactions with the people behind this (and endured the numerous insults about being a "lithic fundamentalist" ... yes, really), excuse me if I don't retweet this. #Tetrapodcats
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Replying to @TetZoo @paleorob @thejohnconway
oh for sure. I guess when you ended that segment by saying you think it's likely that someone somewhere will eventually find a bit of pterosaur in amber, and likely had already, I got overly excited and thought you meant it was a sure thing. LOL @ lithic fundamentalist. omg.
7:58 AM - 21 Jun 2018
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Darren Naish
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Darren Naish
21 Jun 2018
Replying to @SacriliciousM @paleorob @thejohnconway
I don't want to give anything away.. but, yes, there might be some actual news relevant to this, coming soon :)
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21 Jun 2018
*dies again*
Jules Howard
Verified account @juleslhoward
20 Jul 2018
Jules Howard Retweeted NYT Science
Jules Howard added,
NYT Science
“The fossil is the first baby snake and the oldest baby snake to yet be found." Before this amber was found, paleontologists had not uncovered a fossilized baby snake even in the rock fossil record.
2 replies 3 retweets 27 likes
Eduardo Real
20 Jul 2018
There is a guy who claims he found one pterosaur preserved in amber …
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Darren Naish
Replying to @edu_real @juleslhoward
Ignore this stuff, it's not legit. But... is there a legit pterosaur in amber coming soon? Hold on :)
2:30 AM - 20 Jul 2018
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Christopher Meehan
27 Jul 2018
Replying to @TetZoo @edu_real @juleslhoward
As concerns matters of scientific discovery (the practice being a meritocracy, not democracy): You‘ll know you have something worth blogging about when you find yourself at a loss for words. Until then, perhaps spare your dignity the reality that Twitter is a very public record
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Darren Naish
27 Jul 2018
If you have something valid and worthy, good for you and I look forward to seeing it. I would be happy to be wrong. But, so far the stuff that's been pushed as real is the opposite of impressive.
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End of conversation
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Christopher Meehan
27 Jul 2018
Replying to @TetZoo @edu_real @juleslhoward
“There are more thighs in heaven and earth, Ignatius, than are dreamt of by your democracy.”
- J. C. Reilly
(Have you no shame, or is it rather the opposite— as in how smoke gets in your eyes?)
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Darren Naish
27 Jul 2018
None of the stuff on that website is even remotely convincing. And we've been through this a thousand times before; I'm not doing it again.
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End of conversation
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Eduardo Real
20 Jul 2018
Replying to @TetZoo @juleslhoward
So this is a fake. But... Does this legit pterosaur in amber just happens to be in your hands? =)
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Darren Naish
20 Jul 2018
No no, nothing to do with me...
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Eduardo Real
20 Jul 2018
But, some publication about this is coming soon?
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Darren Naish
20 Jul 2018
I can say no more I'm afraid. Not my project :)
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Jules Howard
Verified account @juleslhoward
20 Jul 2018
aur amber
Eduardo Real
20 Jul 2018
Replying to @TetZoo @juleslhoward
So this is a fake. But... Does this legit pterosaur in amber just happens to be in your hands? =)
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Jules Howard
Verified account @juleslhoward
20 Jul 2018
Jules Howard Retweeted NYT Science
Jules Howard added,
NYT Science
“The fossil is the first baby snake and the oldest baby snake to yet be found." Before this amber was found, paleontologists had not uncovered a fossilized baby snake even in the rock fossil record.
2 replies 3 retweets 27 likes
21 Jun 2018
Replying to @TetZoo @paleorob @thejohnconway
oh for sure. I guess when you ended that segment by saying you think it's likely that someone somewhere will eventually find a bit of pterosaur in amber, and likely had already, I got overly excited and thought you meant it was a sure thing. LOL @ lithic fundamentalist. omg.
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21 Jun 2018
Replying to @SacriliciousM @TetZoo @thejohnconway
Also, way to make me almost completely lose my shit at the #pterosaurs in #amber bit!! Holy crap. And do you actually know of one specimen?? Bc it sounded like you were hinting you did. #Tetrapodcats
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Hugo Gill
31 Mar 2018
Replying to @mcmaverick7 @TetZoo @adriana_lowe
Plenty pterosaurs in amber here Mark:
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Christopher Meehan
27 Feb 2018
Replying to @Dave_Hone @MarkWitton
@TetZoo @NHMdinolab, @hugogill : Two cursory (unedited) uCT 3D images - a flapling and juvenile #pterosaur in #amber. These are UNQUESTIONABLY pterosaur remains: over a dozen individuals, from embryo to adult. "The place was a rookery of #pterodactyls."
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Christopher Meehan
24 Jan 2018
Replying to @NHMdinolab @Dave_Hone and
A cursory scan is archived, a follow-up nanoCT pending, but no we don't intend to share these publicly (thank you for clarifying): This was merely a recruitment effort for collaboration those students who have a keen eye to identify signature of #pterosaurs true to life in #amber
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Christopher Meehan
23 Jan 2018
Replying to @livingamber @TetZoo and
I'm not trying to frustrate: as is well-known, it's insisted in field that no pterosaur study is valid unless seeing specimen directly. But it's amber taphonomy, which is strange medium. I'm making no slight to your talents or experience otherwise (which is remarkably briliiant)
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Mark Witton
23 Jan 2018
Replying to @matthewcobb @WarrenSm2 and
They look pretty tiny. Some shots show that the alleged pterosaurs, birds etc. are smaller than finger nails, and that the specimens are linked to other bits of amber via metal rings - in other words, small enough to be worn as jewellery.
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Matthew Cobb
23 Jan 2018
Replying to @WarrenSm2 @TetZoo and
Looks like a severe case of pareidolia. Plus how big are these bits of amber, or how small are the “pterosaurs”?
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@TetZoo Is this the newest "thing", seeing pterosaurs in amber? I can't see them, all I see are air-filled bubbles and debris, ... paired with pareidolia.
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21 Jan 2018
Replying to @livingamber @MarkWitton and
that is exactly why I gave you the biggest pterosaur (albeit the sqidgy folded posture) from our rare off-chance amber pit that yielded many . You didn't wait for xmas, you did believe the instant you saw, you're an amazing published scientist so you're natural deserving owner
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Dave Hone
21 Jan 2018
Replying to @Radio419 @TetZoo and
Do I work on amber - no. Do I know what a pterosaur should look like based on actual research and experience with fossils - yes. And the best amber fossils I have seen are very clear what they contain. These are not those.
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Mark Witton
21 Jan 2018
Replying to @Radio419 @WarrenSm2 and
Sorry guys, I'm pretty familiar with pterosaur anatomy and what we think their soft-tissues were like, but I just can't see anything convincing in these images. These look like vaguely animal-shaped debris and detritus, not like animal parts in amber I'm familiar with.
2 replies 0 retweets 13 likes
Hugo Gill
19 Jan 2018
Replying to @TetZoo @JordanBestwick1 and
Hi Darren. Here's a link to our 'birds' in amber video with labelling as you have requested. We are working on a pterosaur version with labelling and Nano CT / FTIR: #pterosaurinamber #birdinamber Enjoy!!
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Hugo Gill
13 Sep 2017
Replying to @TetZoo
AAKZ have a collection of pterosaurs in amber, as well as pterosaur eggs, heads, nests and colonies in amber >>> …
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Joseph Cawley
23 Jul 2017
Replying to @TetZoo
Oh, this is a great topic! Protobat, pterosaur in amber and full Gigantopithecus are definitely ones I would love to see!
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28 Jun 2016
Replying to @TetZoo
OMG! Amber-entombed maniraptorans must be close! Or tiny pterosaurs?
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Jules Howard
Verified account @juleslhoward
Jules Howard Retweeted NYT Science
Jules Howard added,
NYT Science
“The fossil is the first baby snake and the oldest baby snake to yet be found." Before this amber was found, paleontologists had not uncovered a fossilized baby snake even in the rock fossil record.
12:24 AM - 20 Jul 2018
Katharine Lindsay
Kristyle Solomon
Matt Davis 🐘🏳️🌈🔬
Matthew Cobb
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Darren Naish
20 Jul 2018
Replying to @juleslhoward
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New conversation
Eduardo Real
20 Jul 2018
Replying to @juleslhoward @TetZoo
There is a guy who claims he found one pterosaur preserved in amber …
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Darren Naish
20 Jul 2018
Ignore this stuff, it's not legit. But... is there a legit pterosaur in amber coming soon? Hold on :)
3 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Christopher Meehan
27 Jul 2018
“There are more thighs in heaven and earth, Ignatius, than are dreamt of by your democracy.”
- J. C. Reilly
(Have you no shame, or is it rather the opposite— as in how smoke gets in your eyes?)
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Darren Naish
27 Jul 2018
None of the stuff on that website is even remotely convincing. And we've been through this a thousand times before; I'm not doing it again.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
Christopher Meehan
22 Jan 2018
@MarkWitton @dave_hone You have no more of a monopoly on the evidence-based study of pterosaurs (or any creature) than does Lance Armstrong on cancer. No one among us on Earth is an expert on such poorly resolved creatures (not yet, at least.) #livestrong #pterosaurinamber
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Dave Hone
22 Jan 2018
I don't claim any monopoly, but I do have about 20 years experience working on pterosaurs. It's a small community and I think it reasonable to suggest I know more about them than all but about 100 people on the planet.
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Here we see a Julian Keily who I have never heard of but after a search I found that he was involved in an attack on Canadian and that the offending material was removed. Why Julian would have the behavior of thinking that all the collectors of pterosaur in amber around the World are the same person?? That would be like me saying something foolish like paleonology is a gateway drug to science. Just goes to show that SOME paleontologists have little else to do other than tweet nonsense all day.

Darren Naish is a British vertebrate palaeontologist and science writer. He obtained a geology degree at the University of Southampton and later studied vertebrate palaeontology under British palaeontologist David Martill at the University of Portsmouth (yes the scientist who made a documentary about searching for living pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea), where he obtained both an M. Phil. and PhD
Dr Dave Hone is a lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London, specialising in dinosaurs and pterosaurs. He blogs at Archosaur Musings, is a contributor to and created Ask A Biologist
Mark P. Witton is a British vertebrate palaeontologist, author, and palaeoartist best known for his drawings concerning pterosaurs, he sometimes works with Liz Martin-Silverstone who is notorious for publishing pterosaur studies for non pterosaur fossils making fools out of National Geographic who stupidly believed in her fake Hornsby Pterosaur. Ironic how amateur paleos who publish cheap lies in top tier journals dare attack fossil archives that when they are totally ignorant of their contents.
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Liz Martin-Silverstone
Palaeontologist notorious for fake Canadian Pterosaur research paper based on not one real pterosaur bone making the Hornsby Island pterosaur a massive paleo hoax and cohort of Mark Witton. Part of @Palaeocast and @ScienceBorealis. not the type of scientist honest institutions should waste research budgets on.
John R. Hutchinson this is one of the most foul-mouthed and shameless of so-called scientists he likes to defame people with nasty evil tweets and then often tries to delete the tweets containing his lies and slander to hide from RVC the true evil character he has - not the sort of person that should be allowed to teach in any institution.
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Michael Habib UCLA paleo
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Michael GreshkoVerified account
@NatGeo amateur science writer. @MIT_SciWrite & @VanderbiltU alum. Tips:
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Christopher Meehan Harvard scientist who published the worlds first documented vegetarian spider, he is regarded by his peers as a savant and genius.
Note Darren Naish is a liar and not to be trusted especially around children. He should not allowed to be a teacher and he is a shame on his institution.
pterossauro em âmbar
pterosaur ni Amber
פּטעראָסאַור אין בורשטין
pterosaur mewn ambr
pterosaur trong hổ phách
امبر میں پتروساس
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