A large spider in amber

Amblypygi Looks like a spider but look closer and you see a whiptail scorpion in amber.

This one has a double-tail pseudo-scorpion in amber

This one mite be a spider

CHELICERATA (1c, 13o., 67f., 96g., 146sp.)
Arachnida (13o., 67f., 96g., 146sp.)
Amblypygi (1g., 3sp.)
Family incertae sedis
Kronocharon engeli Wunderlich, 2015
Kronocharon longicalcaris Wunderlich, 2015
Kronocharon prendinii Engel & Grimaldi, 2014
Araneae (31f., 69g., 105sp.)
Burmesarchaea grimaldii (Penney, 2003)
Eomysmauchenius septentrionalis Wunderlich, 2008
Filiauchenius paucidentatus Wunderlich, 2008
Lacunauchenius speciosus Wunderlich, 2008
Lacunauchenius longissipes Wunderlich, 2015
Lacunauchenius pilosus Wunderlich, 2015
Planarchaea kopp Wunderlich, 2015
Burmascutum aenigma Wunderlich, 2008
Corinnidae (=Myrmeciidae)?
Phyxioschemoides collembola Wunderlich, 2015
Eopsiloderces loxosceloides Wunderlich, 2008
Eopsiloderces serenitas Wunderlich, 2015
Fossilcalcar praeteritus Wunderlich, 2015
Burmesiola cretacea Wunderlich, 2011
Burmesiola daviesi Wunderlich, 2015
Spinasilia dissoluta Wunderlich, 2015
Archaelagonops propinquus Wunderlich, 2015
Archaelagonops salticoides Wunderlich, 2012
Archaelagonops scorsum Wunderlich, 2015
Burlagonomegops eskovi Penney, 2005
Cymbiolaganops cymbiocalcar Wunderlich, 2015
Lagonoburmops plumosus Wunderlich, 2012
?Lagonomegops tuber Wunderlich, 2015
Lineaburmops beigeli Wunderlich, 2015
Lineaburmops hirsutipes Wunderlich, 2015
Myanlagonops gracilipes Wunderlich, 2012
Parviburmops brevipalpus Wunderlich, 2015
?Paxillomegops brevipes Wunderlich, 2015
Paxillomegops longipes Wunderlich, 2015
Picturmegops signatus Wunderlich, 2015
Palaeoleptoneta calcar Wunderlich, 2012
Cretaceothele lata Wunderlich, 2015
Micropalpimanus poinari Wunderlich, 2008
Longissipalpus magnus Wunderlich, 2015
Longissipalpus maior Wunderlich, 2015
Longissipalpus minor Wunderlich, 2015
Pedipalparaneus seldeni Wunderlich, 2015
‘Nephila’ burmanica Poinar & Buckley, 2011
Retrooecobius chomskyi Wunderlich, 2015
Retrooecobius convexus Wunderlich, 2015
Zamilia aculeopectens Wunderlich, 2015
Zamilia antecessor Wunderlich, 2008
Zamilia quattuormammillae Wunderlich, 2015
Burmorchestina pulcher Wunderlich, 2008
?Pholcochyrocer baculum Wunderlich, 2012
Pholcochyrocer guttulaeque Wunderlich, 2008
Pholcochyrocer pecten Wunderlich, 2012
Spinicreber antiquus Wunderlich, 2015
Spinipalpus vetus Wunderlich, 2015
Burmorsolus crassus Wunderlich, 2015
Burmorsolus nonplumosus Wunderlich, 2015
Autotomiana hirsutipes Wunderlich, 2015
Biapophyses beate Wunderlich, 2015
Crassitibia longispina Wunderlich, 2015
Crassitibia tenuimana Wunderlich, 2015
Curvitibia curima Wunderlich, 2015
Groehnianus burmensis Wunderlich, 2015
Hypotheridiosoma falcata Wunderlich, 2015
Hypotheridiosoma paracymbium Wunderlich, 2012
Palaeohygropoda myanmarensis Penney, 2004
Parvispina tibialis Wunderlich, 2011
Praeterleptoneta spinipes Wunderlich, 2008
Spinipalpitibia maior Wunderlich, 2015
Leclercera ellenbergeri Wunderlich, 2015
Leclercera longissipes Wunderlich, 2012
Leclercera sexaculeata Wunderlich, 2015
Leclercera spicula Wunderlich, 2012
Proterpsiloderces longisetae Wunderlich, 2015
?Psiloderces filiformis Wunderlich, 2012
Burmadictyna clava Wunderlich, 2015
Burmadictyna excavata Wunderlich, 2015
Burmadictyna pectin Wunderlich, 2008
Denticulsegestria rugosa Wunderlich, 2015
Myansegestria caederens Wunderlich, 2015
Myansegestria engin Wunderlich, 2015
Parvosegestria longitibialis Wunderlich, 2015
Parvosegestria obscura Wunderlich, 2015
Parvosegestria pintgu Wunderlich, 2015
Parvosegestria triplex Wunderlich, 2015
Sparassidae (=Eusparassidae)?
Spatiator putescens Wunderlich, 2015
Vetiator gracilipes Wunderlich, 2015
Bicornoculus levis Wunderlich, 2015
Electroblemma bifida Selden, Zhang & Ren, 2016
?Eogamasomorpha clara Wunderlich, 2015
Eogamasomorpha nubila Wunderlich, 2008
Eoscaphiella ohlhoffi Wunderlich, 2011
Praeterpaculla armatura Wunderlich, 2015
Praeterpaculla biacuta Wunderlich, 2015
Praeterpaculla dissolata Wunderlich, 2015
Praeterpaculla equester Wunderlich, 2015
Praeterpaculla tuberosa Wunderlich, 2015
Saetosoma filiembolus Wunderlich, 2012
Uniscutosoma aberrans Wunderlich, 2015
Leviunguis bruckschi Wunderlich, 2012
Cretotheridion inopinatum Wunderlich, 2015
Bicalamistrum mixtum Wunderlich, 2015
Burmuloborus antefixus Wunderlich, 2015
Burmuloborus parvus Wunderlich, 2008
?Burmuloborus prolongatus Wunderlich, 2015
Microuloborus birmanicus Wunderlich, 2015
Ocululoborus curvatus Wunderlich, 2012
Palaeomiagrammopes vesica Wunderlich, 2008
Paramiagrammopes cretaceus Wunderlich, 2008
Paramiagrammopes longiclypeus Wunderlich, 2015
Paramiagrammopes patellidens Wunderlich, 2015
Family incertae sedis
Furcembolus andersoni Wunderlich, 2008
Bartel, C., Dunlop, J.A. & Bird, T.L. 2016. The second camel spider (Arachnida, Solifugae)
Burmese amber. Arachnology, 17(3), 161-164.
Cai, C. & Huang, D. 2016c (on-line). A new genus of whip-scorpions in Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber: Earliest fossil record of the extant subfamily Thelyphoninae (Arachnida: Thelyphonida: Thelyphonidae. Cretaceous Research, 69, 100-105.
Dunlop, J.A., Bird, T.L., Brookhart, J.O. & Bechly, G. 2015. A camel spider from Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research, 56, 265-273.
Dunlop, J.A. & Mitov, P.G. 2011. The first fossil cyphophthalmid harvestman from Baltic amber. Arachnologische Mitteilungen, 40, 47-54.
Engel, M.S. & Grimaldi, D.A. 2014b. Whipspiders (Arachnida: Amblypygi) in amber from the Early Eocene and mid-Cretaceous, including maternal care. Novitates Paleoentomologicae, No. 9, 17pp.
Lourenço, W.R. 2015a. A new subfamily, genus and species of fossil Scorpiones from Cretaceous Burmese amber (Scorpiones: Palaeoeuscorpiidae). In Wunderlich, J. (ed.) Mesozoic Spiders (Araneae). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 9, 457-464.
Lourenço, W.R. 2015b. Clarification of the familiar status of the genus Palaeoburmesebuthus Lourenço, 2002 from Cretaceous Burmese amber (Scorpiones: Archaeobuthidae: Palaeoburmesebuthinae). In Wunderlich, J. (ed.) Mesozoic Spiders (Araneae). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 9, 465-475.
Lourenço, W.R. 2015c. New contribution to the knowledge of Cretaceous Burmese amber scorpions: descriptions of two new species of BetaburmesebuthusLourenço, 2015 (Scorpiones: Archaeobuthidae: Palaeoburmesebuthinae). Arachnida, Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, 3, 27–36.
Lourenço, W.R. 2015d. An unusual new species of Chaerilobuthus Lourenço & Beigel, 2011 (Scorpiones: Chaerilobuthidae) from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar (Burma). Arachnida, Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, 5, 44–48.
Lourenço, W.R. 2016a. A new genus and three new species of scorpions from Cretaceous
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Lourenço, W.R. 2016b. A preliminary synopsis on amber scorpions with special reference to Burmite species: an extraordinary development of our knowledge in only 20 years. ZooKeys, 600, 75-87.
Lourenço, W.R. & Beigel, A. 2011. A new scorpion fossil from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar (Burma). New phylogenetic implications. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 10, 635-639.
Lourenço, W.R. & Beigel, A. 2015. A new genus and species of Palaeoburmesebuthinae Lourenço, 2014 (Scorpiones: Archaeobuthidae) from Cretaceous amber of Myanmar. In Wunderlich, J. (ed.) Mesozoic Spiders (Araneae). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 9, 465-475.
Lourenço, W.R. & Velten J. 2015. Another new species of Chaerilobuthus Lourenço & Beigel, 2011 (Scorpiones: Chaerilobuthidae) from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar (Burma). Arachnida, Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, 5, 2–8.
Lourenço W.R. & Velten, J. 2016a. One more new species of Betaburmesebuthus Lourenço, 2015
(Scorpiones: Palaeoburmesebuthinae) from Cretaceous burmite. Arachnida, Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, 6, 4–11.
Lourenço W.R. & Velten, J. 2016b A new genus and species of fossil scorpion from Burmese Cretaceous amber (Scorpiones: Buthoidea: Buthidae. Arachnida, Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, 10, 2-9.
Lourenço W.R. & Velten, J. 2016c A sixth new species of Cretaceous Burmese amber scorpion of the genus Betaburmesebuthus Lourenço, 2015 (Scorpiones: Palaeoburmesebuthidae. Arachnida, Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, 10, 10-17.
Dunlop, J.A. & Penney, D. 2012. Fossil Arachnids. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester. 192pp.
Dunlop, J.A., Selden, P.A. & Giribet, G. 2016. Penis morphology in a Burmese amber harvestman. Science of Nature, 103(11), 1-5.
Penney, D. 2003. Afrarchaea grimaldii, a new species of Archaeidae (Araneae) in Cretaceous Burmese amber. Journal of Arachnology, 31, 122-130.
Penney, D. 2004. A new genus and species of Pisauridae (Araneae) in Cretaceous Burmese amber. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2(2), 141-145.
Penney, D. 2005. The fossil spider family Lagonomegopidae in Cretaceous ambers with descriptions of a new genus and species from Myanmar. Journal of Arachnology, 33, 439-444.
Penny, D. 2006. Fossil oonopid spiders in Cretaceous ambers from Canada and Myanmar. Palaeontology, 49(1), 229-235.
Penney, D. 2012. Predatory behaviour of Cretaceous social orb-weaving spiders: comment. Historical Biology, 26 (1), 132-134. [Published on-line 2012, printed 2014]
Poinar, G.Jr & Buckley, R. 2011 (on-line). Predatory behaviour of the social orb-weaver spider, Geratonephila burmanica n. gen., n. sp. (Araneae: Nephilidae) with its wasp prey, Cascoscelio incassus n. gen. n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) in Early Cretaceous Burmese amber. Historical Biology, 24 (5), 519-525.
Poinar, G.Jr & Buckley, R. 2012 (on-line). Predatory behaviour of the social orb-weaver spiders: response to Penney. Historical Biology, 26 (1), 135-136.
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Wunderlich, J. 2012b. Description of the first fossil Ricinulei in amber from Burma (Myanmar), the first report of this arachnid order from the Mesozoic and from Asia, with notes on the related extinct Order Trigonotarbida. In. Wunderlich, J. (ed.) Fifteen papers on extant and fossil spiders (Araneae). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 7, 233-244.
Wunderlich, J. 2015a. “Frozen behaviour”: The oldest fossil proofs of spider eating spiders (Araneae) in 45 million years old Eocene Baltic amber and in 100 million years old Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Burma). In: Wunderlich, J. (ed.) Mesozoic Spiders (Araneae). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 9, 15-20.
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Selden, P.A. & Zhang, W. & Ren, D. 2016. A bizarre armoured spider (Araneae: Tetrablemmidae) from Upper Cretaceous Myanmar amber. Cretaceous Research, 66, 129-135.
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